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This is primarily my academic record of work experience. I need to record my reflective writing on my experiences. Comments and suggestions are welcome, but please keep it fairly appropriate; I will be moderating the comments.

Thursday 31 March 2011

Work - 16th Feb

Work - 16th Feb

This days work further demonstrated the need to think about the dilemmas raised with last weeks post. I was asked to take a previously prepared spreadsheet and add some links, macros and other tools to make the sheet more usable. The work involved taking a lot of direction from K and working with her to determine the most feasible and practical balance between functionality, usability and the necessary level of complexity in the programming. Whilst K has a clear idea of what she wants from the completed item, I have far more experience programming Microsoft visual basic and putting spreadsheets together. It is my job to take her ideas and aims and mould them into something that is achievable within my abilities and the timeframe.

My first step was to take extensive notes on the function of the spreadsheet, the way it currently worked, the people who were going to use it and what K wanted to improve K took me through the spreadsheet in her office; this is certainly something that is only really possible to do face to face Then I prepared a list of tasks that I needed to do, and prioritised the tasks. I find that the process of splitting the work into smaller tasks and sub-tasks allows me not only to prioritise my work correctly but to establish if I have all the information (and equipment) I need to start work on the tasks. When I do this properly my quality of work is improved, I can better identify the amount of time it will take me to complete work and communicate better with colleagues.

My weakness in this situation is to become over-ambitious and attempt to stretch my abilities when is is not necessary. K is good at recognising when I am attempting to implement something that is more complex than needed. I find working with her means I have to be more disciplined to fit in with her expectations of me. I find it hard to work out what she is thinking; this isn't normally a problem however as she tells me exactly what in need to know. I don't normally find that I need to be friends with people to work well with them; friendliness doesn't seem to affect the quality of the work I do. Obviously I do prefer to work with people I get on well with though.

In the end K was very satisfied with the work I did; I completed the first draft that afternoon and reviewed it and completed the final draft the next week. The sheet had several other elements and contents to add to it but my part is now done. I find it disappointing sometimes that I will never see the completed items in use.